Antioxidants are very Important in Diabetes
Glutathione is the body's most powerful antioxidant, and has many positive benefits in people with diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance. Glutathione has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in diabetics.
Clinical trials have demonstrated the therapeutic effects of antioxidants to reduce insulin resistance. Dr Lester Packer discusses the importance of glutathione in his bookAntioxidants in Diabetes Management:
“Administration of glutathione was found to be advantageous in type 2 diabetics and those with impaired glucose tolerance (iGT). Glutathione improved insulin secretion in patients with iGT. Glutathione also improves insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes after acute and chronic administration.”

Glutathione status is closely tied to the progression and severity of diabetes. People with poorly controlled diabetes often have significant depletion of blood glutathione levels. Many of the complications of diabetes are linked to oxidative damage due to the elevated blood sugar levels.
Complications that may arise as a result include damage to the large and small blood vessels ("peripheral vascular disease"); diabetic retinopathy; kidney disease; nerve damage ("neuropathy"); skin problems; dental problems; and increased risk of infection due to a weakened immune system.
As the body's "master antioxidant", glutathione helps to reduce oxidative stress and its consequences. Research studies have shown that supplementation with glutathione precursors may help to reduce oxidant induced diabetic complications such as those shown below.
Diabetic retinopathy can lead to blindness
Up to 25% of diabetics develop foot problems due to reduced blood circulation or damaged nerves.
Diabetes can affect the microcirculation in the kidney
Diabetes Affects the Blood Circulation
Unhealthy red blood cells as seen under the microscope, sticking together in "Rouleaux" or stacks.
In a toxic environment, red blood cells stick together and form"Rouleaux" or stacks. This is a very unhealthy state and increases the risk of many diseases. Rouleaux formation occurs in diabetes and is one of the reasons diabetics develop peripheral vascular disease and diabetic retinopathy. Rouleaux formation is also seen in patients with infections, multiple myeloma, inflammatory diseases and cancer.
When red blood cells stack together, it is often an indication of inflammation in the body. Glutathione has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and also improves the endothelial function of blood vessels. Increasing glutathione levels helps the red blood cells to circulate more freely and transport oxygen more effectively.
Normal red blood cells circulating freely
Cellgevity™ is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supplement, designed to support your entire glutathione and cellular defence systems. Powered by RiboCeine™ and a blend of the purest plant extracts, Cellgevity dramatically increases glutathione production in every cell of the body.
Alpha Lipoic Acid Can Lower Blood Sugar
Antioxidants in Diabetes, L.Packer
Alpha lipoic Acid is a sulphur containing fatty acid that your body requires to convert sugar into energy.
Dr Packer discusses the beneficial effect of alpha lipoic acid in his book Antioxidants in Diabetes Management.
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) can help lower blood sugar levels in diabetes and reduce complications.
Research has shown that ALA can improve insulin sensitivity and significantly decrease symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.
Alpha lipoic acid is one of the many powerful natural ingredients in the glutathione boosting supplement Cellgevity™.
Nutrition and Exercise Are Important Too
Dr Don Colbert, author of Reversing Diabetes, discusses natural ways to beat the disease. In addition to glutathione supplementation, he stresses the importance of good nutrition and exercise.
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